CVD-TWG Priority Activities – 2019
No. | Term of Reference | Areas of Priority |
1 | Provide a forum for ensuring sustained coordination among stakeholders. | • Regular meetings as prescribed |
2 | Provide technical assistance to county governments on coordination mechanisms at sub-national level. | • Support counties to establish TWG via office of NCD coordinator • Enhance communications between county TWGs and CVD TWG e.g via regular newsletter • Align CVD care in UHC via County-NCD TWG |
3 | Review the existing work plan of the MOH, county governments and partners to enhance coordination and quality service provision. | • Develop a joint workplan with TWG partners on CVD interventions including county-based interventions – period TBD |
4 | Participate in the development of technical policies, strategies, guidelines, and action plans. | • HCTZ position statement • Progress update of stroke job aids initiative • Disseminate CVD guidelines 1. Stakeholder consultative forum on dissemination of guidelines - Report 2. Develop a job aids pack for production and dissemination alongside guidelines |
5 | Carry out advocacy work to ensure strong commitments from policy makers and community leaders to enhance health promotion in communities and invest in CVD interventions sub-nationally. | ◦ Conduct May Measurement Month ◦ Commemorate world health days 1. World Hypertension Day 2. World Heart Day 3. World Stroke Day |
6 | Participate in identifying, prioritizing, conducting (as required) and coordinating research activities and interventions for CVD prevention and control. | • Establish and maintain a knowledge management framework for CVD related initiatives and actors. 1. Liaise with Path and NCDAK on mapping of organisations and initiatives/studies in CVD space • Disseminate Research findings 1. CVD essential meds and tech study 2. Risk for CVD among HIV and non-HIV individuals study and role of CIT in screening for stroke. 3. Desk Review of RF/RHD burden and existing services in Kenya |
7 | Assist and support resource mobilization | • Identify resource needs for each priority area • Second two members to the Resource Mob TWG |
8 | Assist and support capacity building of the health system | • HCW Capacity Building – Pre-service and In-service 1. Identify the priority areas for capacity building 2. Map out resources available such as updated training material, current grants with capacity building component 3. Map out counties with highest need for capacity building |
9 | Participate in periodic review meetings and other program monitoring activities. | • Dissemination of DM and HTN data tools in national roll out • Support county facilities (public and private) on proper utilization of data tools and reporting |
10 | Establish a reporting mechanism for all actors in the various areas of CVDs | • Brief members on the NACC HIPORS platform that now includes CVDs (among other NCDs) |